Inicio Eventos - Instituto de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Cambio Climático Panorama Actual de las Ciencias Atmosféricas 2018

Panorama Actual de las Ciencias Atmosféricas 2018

Ciclo Internacional de Conferencias del 30 de julio al 10 de agosto del 2018.
Auditorio: Julián Adem del Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM.
30 de julio
Anne-Marie Delort
Institute of Chemistry of Clermont-Ferrand, Francia
Potential role of the cloud microbiote in atmospheric processes
31 de julio
William Boos
University of California,
Berkeley, EUA
Rain over tropical continents: linear theories, abrupt changes, and monsoons
1 de agosto
Jonathan Kahl
University of Wisconsin, EUA
Lagrangian modeling of air pollutant transport
2 de agosto
Marat Khairoutdinov
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences,
Stony Brook University, EUA
Self-organization of convection and regulation of tropical climate
3 de agosto
Wouter Botzen
Institute for Environmental
Studies (IVM), Países Bajos
Economics of Climate Change
6 de agosto
Michel Ramonet
French National Centre for
Scientific Research, Francia
Monitoring carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere
7 de agosto
Christine Fiona Braban
NERC Centre for Ecology
and Hydrology, Reino Unido
Impacts of a changing chemical climate in the 21st century: the role of ammonia and other reactive nitrogen pollutants
8 de agosto
James Lee
University of York, Reino Unido
Emissions and Chemistry of air pollution in London and Beijing: a tale of two cities
9 de agosto
Kimberly Wolske
University of Chicago, EUA
Communicating Climate Change: Insights from Social Science
10 de agosto
Daniel Knopf
Stony Brook University, EUA
How does the organic aerosol phase state impact multiphase chemical kinetics and particle hygroscopicity?



Jul 30 2018 - Ago 10 2018


12:00 pm - 1:30 pm


Entrada Libre

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Panorama 2018,
Panorama Actual de las Ciencias Atmosféricas 2018


Auditorio Dr. Julián Adem Chahín
Auditorio Dr. Julián Adem Chahín
