Immune response to chronic Toxocara canis infection in a mice model

Karen Nava Castro, Margarita Isabel Palacios Arreola

Autores: Rocío Alejandra Ruiz‐Manzano, Rosalía Hernández‐Cervantes, Víctor Hugo Del Río‐Araiza, Margarita Isabel Palacios‐Arreola, Karen Elizabeth Nava‐Castro*, Jorge Morales‐Montor

* Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales | Genotoxicología y Mutagénesis Ambientales



he zoonotic nematode Toxocara canis causes larva migrans syndrome that induces an immune response characterized by the production of antibodies and eosinophilia. A Th2 polarization has been associated with the infection, but there are still details of the cellular and humoral immune response that need to be described. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe the systemic host immune response to T canis chronic infection in a mouse model.

Methods and Results

BALB/c mice were inoculated once with 500 T canis embryonated eggs, per os. After 49 days, the amounts of larval found in brain and muscle tissues were statistically two and four times higher, respectively, than the amounts found in lung, liver, kidney or heart tissues. Splenic proportions of F4/80+ cells, as well as B, cytotoxic T and CD4+Foxp3+ lymphocytes, were statistically higher (P ≤ .05, P ≤ .01, P ≤ .001 and P ≤ .001, respectively) as compared with control mice. In lymph nodes, some of these proportions changed, with the exception of F4/80+ cells. IgG1 levels in infected mice sera were increased. IL‐4, IL‐10 and VEGF levels were statistically higher in spleen (P ≤ .05, all) and sera (P ≤ .01, P ≤ .05 and P ≤ .05, respectively) in the infected mice. Also, in infected animals, IL‐5 serum levels were increased (P ≤ .01).


These results suggest that T canis chronic infection in BALB/c mice results in a type 2 response with an incipient regulatory response.