rofessional appointments
Associate Professor, July 2017–present
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley
Faculty Scientist, July 2017–present
Climate and Ecosystems Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Associate Professor, July 2015–June 2017
Assistant Professor, July 2010–June 2015
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University
Postdoctoral Fellow, June 2008–June 2010
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University
Postdoctoral Associate, February 2008–June 2008
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Analyst, July 1997–June 1999
Andersen Consulting (now Accenture), New York, NY

Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008
Thesis: Wind-evaporation feedback, angular momentum conservation, and the abrupt onset
of monsoons. Advisor: Kerry Emanuel
Professional M.S. in Geosystems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002
B.S. with Honors in Physics, B.A. in Math, State University of New York, Binghamton, 1997
Select Honors and Awards
Director’s award, Yale MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, 2014
National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, 2013
American Geophysical Union Citation for Excellence in Refereeing, 2013
Young Investigator Research Award, Office of Naval Research (ONR), 2011
James R. Holton Junior Scientist Award, American Geophysical Union, 2010
Reginald A. Daly Postdoctoral Fellowship at Harvard University, 2008-2010
John and Elaine French Fellowship, Harvard University Center for the Environment, 2008–2010
Martin Fellowship for Sustainability, MIT, 2004-2005
MIT Departmental Scholarship in Earth and Planetary Science, 2002

Supervisor for:
John Hurley, Xavier Levine, Naftali Cohen, Michael Diaz (postdoctoral scientists)
Patrick Haertel (research scientist)
Jun Zhai, Ravi Shekhar, Varun Murthy (doctoral students)
Siyu Zhao, Melody Lu (master’s student interns)
Sarah Ditchek, Cole Citrenbaum, Alex Chang (undergraduate theses/internships)
Thesis committee member for Alison Nugent, Dea Doklestic, Peter Douglas, Elizabeth Brown, Mengnan
Zhao, Shineng Hu, Christopher Kruse, Yana Bebieva, Zachary McGraw (all Yale doctoral students),
Michael Byrne (MIT doctoral student), James Russell (North Carolina State doctoral student)
Thesis reader for Wenchang Yang (Columbia University doctoral student), Spencer Hill (Princeton doctoral
student), Max Andersen, and Jane Smyth (Yale undergraduates)

Grants and funding
Office of Naval Research (PI), 2015-2017: Assessing land surface albedo bias in models of tropical
NSF (PI), 2015-2018: Zonal asymmetries in the low-latitude hydrological cycle over a broad range of
climates. Co-authored with Xavier Levine (Yale postdoc).
NSF CAREER Award (PI), 2013-2018: The influence of desert heat lows on monsoon precipitation.
NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure (one of three co-PIs with PI Andrew Sherman), 2012-2014: The Future
of Research and Collaboration – the Dedicated Science Network.
Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (PI), 2011-2014: Understanding the global distribution
of monsoon depressions.
Comer Science and Education Foundation (PI), 2011-2012: Theoretical scaling of the hydrological cycle
in simulations of Holocene and last glacial maximum climates.

Member of Program Committee for American Meteorological Society’s 32nd Conference on Hurricanes
and Tropical Meteorology, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2015
Member of World Meteorological Organization’s Expert Team on Severe Monsoon Weather, 2015 –
Organized and hosted Tropical Extremes, a workshop on extreme weather and climate events in Africa,
South Asia, Australia, and the Americas, with sponsorship by the Yale Climate and Energy Institute and
Yale’s MacMillan Center, April 2015.
Developed to provide education, current observations, and news about
rain over tropical continents, as educational outreach for an NSF grant.
Yale’s Pathways to Science program, 2013-present
Teaching weather, climate, and risk to high school students in summer program
William R. Boos: Curriculum vitae 3
Reviewer for over 20 journals and 4 national funding institutions
Yale representative to the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 2011 – present
Led hydrology team of FloodSafe Honduras, supporting implementation of early warning system for
floods in Honduras, 2005-2007
Club of Rome, Hamburg, Germany, member of “think tank 30,” a group of young advisors on global
humanitarian issues, 2002-2005
Consultant to Institute for Civil Society, Newton, MA for multimedia presentation on climate change,
2002-2004hapters. She has been an invited speaker in 64 national and international conferences.


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