First verified record of Anolis sagrei Cocteau in Duméril and Bibron, 1837 from the central Pacific coast of Mexico

Julián A. Velasco Vinasco

REABIC | Volume 8, Issue 3

Autores: Francis N. Pazos-Nava, R. Iván Álvaro-Montejo, Fabio G. Cupul-Magaña, Rafael García de Quevedo-Machain, Ubaldo S. Flores-Guerrero, Julián A. Velasco* and Armando H. Escobedo-Galván

* Ciencias Atmosféricas | Interacción Océano-Atmósfera



he occurrence of the invasive Brown anole, Anolis sagrei from the Pacific coast of Mexico is confirmed based on squamation and the use of morphological characters. A PCA was performed to explore the morphological differences between the invasive anole and the native Clouded anole Anolis nebulosus. Some of the potential implications for dry tropical ecosystems and native anoles are discussed