International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
The complexities surrounding exposure to particulate matter from air pollution have escalated alongside the increased utilization of nanomaterials in recent times. The rapid evolution of new nanomaterials highlights the urgent need for a comprehensive framework to assess their potential toxicity and associated risks. In response, the field of nanosafety has embraced conventional toxicological methods while also pioneering innovative approaches within nanotoxicology. This approach aims to fully grasp the potential toxicity, immunotoxicity, and (epi)genotoxicity inherent in nanomaterials due to their unique characteristics.
Additionally, emerging technologies like organs-on-chips and advanced sensors are either under development or being adapted to aid in this endeavor. Throughout our discussion, we will explore how the analysis of particulate matter in the air has spurred the adaptation of methodologies to evaluate the potential risks posed by nanomaterials. We will also highlight the identification of these potential threats and discuss strategies for mitigation.